Arnold Schwarzenegger Goes For A Spin On His Classic Hog


Arnold Schwarzenegger knows a thing or two about cruising, as evident from his cruise through Malibu streets on his classic indian motorcycle just yesterday.

The 67-year-old Expendables star and former Governor proved that he knows more than just bikes and films, having went to Sacramento earlier this week at a climate change conference hosted by the California Environmental Protection Agency.

During the conference, he highlighted his work combating greenhouse gas emissions as well as explained how he started some of the state's biggest initiatives, including the $68-billion bullet train and the cap-and-trade program, both of which are being advanced today by Gov. Jerry Brown.

“While the politicians in Washington can’t get anything done because they’re stuck in these ideological foxholes, we here in California have two governors from two different parties in the same room fighting for the same green energy future," Schwarzenegger said.


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